Trezor Suite | Trezor® Suite App (Official)

Trézor Suite is a powerful desktop and web-based application designed to enhance the security and usability of your Trézor hardware wallet. Trezor Suite | Trezor® Suite App (Official) If you have cryptocurrencies stored online, just move them to your Trezor device. Use the Trezor Suite app to generate a receive address, confirm this address on your Trezor device, and then @trezor/suite-data or @trezor/suite) by the Yarn's workspace resolution or are distributed in other forms like, for example, bundled applications (eg. @trezor/suite-desktop) we do not version Enable Tor to mask your IP address from third parties when using Trezor Suite. Participation is easy and completely optional. Enable or disable usage data sharing with one click at any time